
Resolution on Education for Sustainable Development

published 23 July 2004 updated 31 March 2017

The Fourth World Congress of Education International, meeting in Porto Alegre, Brazil from 22 to 26 July, 2004:

1. Convinced of education being the foundation of sustainable development that can satisfy the needs of present generations without compromising the abilities of future ones.

2. Celebrating that the Plan of Action adopted by the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg 2002 has confirmed the relevance of education and recommended the UN General Assembly to contemplate the adoption of a Decade on Education for Sustainable Development.

3. Endorsing the UN decision to proclaim the "United Nations Decade on Education for Sustainable Development" beginning on 1st January 2005, and to appoint UNESCO as the lead agency for the promotion of the Decade.

4. Convinced that sustainable development requires a holistic approach connecting Education for Sustainable Development to other initiatives in favour of Education for All and to the Literacy Decade in order to accomplish the Millennium Development goals.

5. Recognising that education for sustainable development cannot be considered as a new educational programme but as a dynamic concept built into school programmes in order to offer each citizen a means of analysing subjects such as environment, HIV/ AIDS, ethics, cultural context, the choices made and policies developed by states with respect to growth and the environment and to assume the responsibility for a viable future.

Recalling the principle of financing change through the collectivity of human rights, the Fourth World Congress calls on governments to:

6. Implement the Johannesburg Plan of Action and negotiate with concerned partners, education personnel in first instance, the relevant measures for the accomplishment of the Decade.

7. Take measures to provide, in all levels of educational systems, a relevant quality education offering each individual the possibility of gaining knowledge, skills and values that will allow them to assume the responsibility of contributing to a rational and sustainable development while achieving a better life.

8. Consider the measures integrating the objectives of sustainable development in teacher training.

The Congress urges EI members to:

9. Lobby governments to adopt the appropriate measures for the implementation of the Johannesburg Plan of Action and the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.

10. Become involved in the making and implementation of innovative policies and practices which integrate the concerns and objectives of sustainable development.

11. Act in order for the ensemble of education personnel to receive appropriate initial and further training, including an analysis of the means of production and lifestyles that cause current environmental problems.

The Congress requires EI to:

12. Pursue and enhance cooperation with UNESCO in the elaboration of the Decade implementation scheme.

13. Continue in its efforts to create an opportunity for schools to be recognised for successful promotion of sustainable development in teaching and in daily routines.

14. Pursue efforts for a world campaign for "quality education for all" integrating the concept of sustainable development.