
Educators and Students on the Move: Realising the Right to Education

published 31 May 2016 updated 31 May 2016
Cooperating organizations
Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK
Start date
1 June 2016
End date
31 December 2019
Migrant Rights;

Education International and education unions from Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK campaign for European and national public authorities to commit to inclusive policies and resources to guarantee to newcomers (children, youth and adults) the right to learn and to teach. EI and education unions collect and disseminate promising practices presented in an online toolkit. Audiences are organised with national and local education stakeholders, like minded organisations and media. Concretely, the lobbying focuses on

  1. upholding the right of refugee children to be mainstreamed in public inclusive schools
  2. promoting the recognition of professional qualifications of refugee teachers

Education unions promote the right to learn and right to teach of all children and adults regardless of their status, gender, origin or belief. Full access to mainstream free, inclusive, equitable, quality public education (at all levels from early childhood to higher education including vocational) are at the core of public policies for including newcomers in and through education. Education unions promote the concept of welcoming, multicultural and inclusive societies through and within education. They develop community-based initiatives to build public consensus on supporting refugees in education and through education. Education unions advocate with European Union, OECD, UN agencies, national and local education authorities for common comprehensive institutional human right-based policies to respect and promote the right to learn and right to teach of newcomers. Education unions identify and promote practical and specific good practices and policy models initiated by education authorities and education stakeholders to provide quality education to all and involve refugee communities in the public education system.


research, capacity building and professional development, advocacy and communication


Education unions involved in the project have mapped the gaps, have researched initiatives and have coordinated local approaches to outline promising practices. Through visibility and advocacy initiatives, education unions are using their structures and institutional channels to promote the human and trade union rights of persons, whatever their status, and particularly children and students, but also teachers, education support personnel, researchers and education unionists. Unions have included in their mandate to contribute to ensure that the right to education is delivered to newcomers, that this education is inclusive, and that the roles of all education personnel amongst displaced persons are recognized, valued, and rewarded.
