
Kathrine Blyverket

Kathrine Blyverket is a senior advisor at the Union of Education Norway and secretary for UEN Sami Advisory Committee. Kathrine is a trained teacher and former elected member of the union (1990-96) at regional level.

Written by Kathrine Blyverket

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 August 2023

    Truth and Reconciliation: the responsibility of education and teachers towards Sami, Kven and Forest Finn communities in Norway

    Kathrine Blyverket

    In 2018, Norway’s Parliament established the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to examine historic policies and activities relating to Indigenous Peoples, including attempts to assimilate them. On 1 June 2023, after five years of work, the commission presented its report , based on interviews with more than 700 people, illustrating very...

    Truth and Reconciliation: the responsibility of education and teachers towards Sami, Kven and Forest Finn communities in Norway