
ICT in education

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 April 2020

    “What’s next for schools after coronavirus? Here are 5 big issues and opportunities”, by Andy Hargreaves.

    Andy Hargreaves

    No schools, no exams, more online learning and parents in COVID-19 lockdown with their kids. What a mess! People are responding heroically. Some parents are working from home, others have lost their jobs and teachers are creating an entire new way of doing their jobs — not to mention the...

    “What’s next for schools after coronavirus? Here are 5 big issues and opportunities”, by Andy Hargreaves.
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 April 2020

    “COVID-19 and Education in South Korea”, by Hyunsu Hwang.

    Hyunsu Hwang

    COVID-19 is a world-wide fear and a tremendous threat in every area of our lives. It affects everyone in the world. The scenes being captured look very familiar to us in a sense. They look like scenes from movies, but sadly this is a real and unprecedented situation in human...

    “COVID-19 and Education in South Korea”, by Hyunsu Hwang.
  3. Democracy 16 April 2020

    "Teachers rising to the challenge of a global pandemic", by Steffen Handal.

    Steffen Handal

    In Norway, schools and kindergartens have been closed since the middle of March. Only children whose parents have a socio-critical profession have been attending. The Government has decided that early childhood institutions will open April 20th and grade 1 - 4 one week later.

    "Teachers rising to the challenge of a global pandemic", by Steffen Handal.
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 September 2019

    Germany: Appropriate funding for ICT in educational settings still needed

    Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft expresses concern regarding the gap between the allocated 5.5 billion euros announced by the federal government and the 21 billion euros required to ensure the minimum equipment of all general and vocational schools until 2024.

    Germany: Appropriate funding for ICT in educational settings still needed
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 September 2019

    “Copyright Issues and Teachers' Dilemma in Asia Pacific”, by Dr. Robert Jeyakumar.

    Dr. Robert Jeyakumar

    I woke up in Budapest on a fine summer morning to deliver a lecture using materials I had prepared in Malaysia in accordance with copyright exceptions allowed in Malaysia. Just before the lecture, I was informed that my materials did not conform to copyright laws in the EU. Dismay! This...

    “Copyright Issues and Teachers' Dilemma in Asia Pacific”, by Dr. Robert Jeyakumar.
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 27 May 2019

    “When Open Educational Resources and platform capitalism meet”, by Nikola Wachter.

    Nikola Wachter

    Technological advances have an ever increasing impact on every aspect of the education system, from the provisioning of education to working conditions and administrative governance. Unfortunately, technology is too often dumped onto education institutions leaving behind a big ecological footprint but no educational improvement. However, there are also many examples...

    “When Open Educational Resources and platform capitalism meet”, by Nikola Wachter.
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 25 April 2019

    “Let’s spark a global discussion on copyright exceptions for education and research!”, by David Edwards

    David Edwards

    Today it’s World Intellectual Property Day – a good day to remind us that it’s time to reform copyright law. We need action to change copyright systems that are hindering free expression and failing to promote diverse and prosperous societies for the benefit of all.

    “Let’s spark a global discussion on copyright exceptions for education and research!”, by David Edwards
  8. Climate action and literacy 14 March 2019

    “Success comes only to those countries that invest in education”, by Olli Luukkainen and David Edwards.

    Olli Luukkainen, David Edwards

    Humanity is faced with many threats including climate change and threats to the environment. A vision is needed for these problems to be solved. Changing lifestyles and consumption habits can contribute to solving these problems but at the heart of helping humanity to survive is education, training and research.

    “Success comes only to those countries that invest in education”, by Olli Luukkainen and David Edwards.
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 October 2018

    Germany: shortcomings in schools in terms of digitisation

    A new Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft’s study on the quality of educational institutions concludes that German schools are not ready for digitisation.

    Germany: shortcomings in schools in terms of digitisation
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 April 2018

    The EU Copyright reform: Education ministries should play a stronger role in the copyright reform process to secure public interest, by Damjan Harisch

    Damjan Harisch

    The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia (Ministry) has taken keen interest in the EU Copyright reform, which was initiated by the EU Commission through a Proposal for a Directive on Copyrights in the digital single market in September 2016, following several years of public...

    The EU Copyright reform: Education ministries should play a stronger role in the copyright reform process to secure public interest, by Damjan Harisch
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 6 April 2018

    "Can we assess if school and classroom practices align with national educational goals?", by Kate Anderson, Helyn Kim, Seamus Hegarty and Martin Henry.

    Helyn Kim, Seamus Hegarty, Kate Anderson, Martin Henry

    Now more than ever, countries are orienting their policies toward equipping children and youth with a broad range of skills to succeed in the 21st century [1]. Given this widespread endorsement at the policy level, why don’t we see it happening in more schools? Could it be that schools lack...

    "Can we assess if school and classroom practices align with national educational goals?", by Kate Anderson, Helyn Kim, Seamus Hegarty and Martin Henry.
  12. Fighting the commercialisation of education 1 November 2017

    #WDR2018 Reality Check #1: A Guide to Reading the Rhetoric

    Francine Menashy

    The 2018 World Development Report marks an important milestone—for the first time in 40 years the World Bank’s dominant research publication is dedicated to education.

    #WDR2018 Reality Check #1: A Guide to Reading the Rhetoric