
Articles from Switzerland

  1. Standards and working conditions 29 July 2016

    Switzerland: union launches initiative to promote decent pension for teachers

    When Swiss citizens hit the polls on 25 September they will have the chance to vote on a popular initiative known as AHVplus, initiated by teacher unionists, which aims to offer increased pensions to educators.

    Switzerland: union launches initiative to promote decent pension for teachers
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 27 April 2016

    A Swiss government decision to rob Peter to pay Paul has a teacher union up in arms

    It’s going to be a bumpy road ahead as one of Switzerland’s teachers’ unions clashes with the government after making its decision to use funds earmarked for education to build new transport infrastructure.

    A Swiss government decision to rob Peter to pay Paul has a teacher union up in arms
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 22 January 2016

    The importance of teachers and the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution

    While all the talk and excitement in Davos is focused on the next industrial revolution, the key to quality education remains living, breathing classroom teachers, despite of all the digital hype.

    The importance of teachers and the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution
  4. Standards and working conditions 24 June 2015

    Switzerland: teachers want to balance the salary scales

    Swiss educators say it’s time to reverse a 20-year trend of underpaying teachers, by raising salaries to the level of other sectors to ensure that the profession continues to be a popular career choice.

    Switzerland: teachers want to balance the salary scales
  5. Equity and inclusion 25 February 2014

    EU answers Switzerland: freezes research grants and Swiss involvement in Erasmus+

    The European Union has suspended negotiations with Switzerland on the participation in EU education exchange programmes, such as Erasmus+ and the Horizon 2020 research programme, because of the imminent introduction of quotas to community workers approved in a referendum last week.

    EU answers Switzerland: freezes research grants and Swiss involvement in Erasmus+
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 July 2013

    Swiss educators demand real efforts for quality education

    During its recent General Meeting, the Swiss Teachers’ Federation (Dachverband Schweizer Lehrerinnen und Lehrer, LCH) unanimously decided on a resolution calling for greater efforts to provide quality education throughout Switzerland.

    Swiss educators demand real efforts for quality education
  7. Standards and working conditions 6 February 2012

    Government school-ranking plans condemned by German-speaking educators’ unions

    EI welcomes the declaration issued by its affiliates, the Verband Bildung und Erziehung (VBE) from Germany, the Gewerkschaft Öffentlicher Dienst (GÖD) from Austria, and Dachverband Schweizer Lehrerinnen und Lehrer (LCH) from Switzerland. This joint declaration, called the “Zurich Declaration,” deplores that national authorities are planning or already implementing obligatory school...

    Government school-ranking plans condemned by German-speaking educators’ unions
  8. Standards and working conditions 23 September 2010

    Francophone affiliates call on governments to tackle crisis

    More than 35 participants from Africa, Europe and the Middle East have converged in Fribourg, Switzerland, to assess developments in education across the French-speaking world.

    Francophone affiliates call on governments to tackle crisis
  9. Union renewal and development 4 June 2010

    Talented youngsters discover the world of robotics

    Technology is everywhere, including the classroom, so we publish articles on software and computers, we test netbooks and smartphones, but in this issue we report on an initiative being supported by EI’s Swiss member organisationDachverband Schweizer Lehrerinnen und Lehrer(LCH). In partnership with the Canton of Aargau, which manages a grants...

    Talented youngsters discover the world of robotics