
  1. Union growth 28 October 2014

    Hungary: State enters the Classroom

    The long arm of the Hungarian government has reached into the country’s classrooms, leaving many fearful that authorities are preparing to tighten their grip on the teaching profession and undermine the role of education unions.

    Hungary: State enters the Classroom
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 17 October 2014

    Sierra Leone: Teachers learning to cope with Ebola

    The Ebola epidemic has brought education to a halt in Sierra Leone, shuttering classrooms across the country, leaving all teachers, children, and communities affected as the disease continues to claim lives.

    Sierra Leone: Teachers learning to cope with Ebola
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 17 October 2014

    General strike in Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) off the agenda for now

    A strike in FYROM's education sector announced by ETUCE's Macedonian member organisation SONK on 29 September 2014 was averted at the very last moment. Following ETUCE's written intervention at the Macedonian Ministry of Education and ETUCE's ad hoc meeting with SONK in Skopje, the Ministry had suddenly agreed to return...

    General strike in Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) off the agenda for now
  4. Union growth 10 October 2014

    Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi win Nobel Peace Prize

    Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi have been awarded the Nobel peace prize “for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education”.

    Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi win Nobel Peace Prize
  5. Union growth 9 October 2014

    EI calls for release of kidnapped US hostage

    Education International joins its US affiliates, the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association, in calling for the safe release of American academic Warren Weinstein, who was abducted in Pakistan by al Qaeda.

    EI calls for release of kidnapped US hostage
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 3 October 2014

    Syria: International shock at death of 30 children in school bomb attack

    EI has been shocked to learn that at least 30 Syrian children have been killed in a double bombing by a suicide attacker at a school in the government-controlled city of Homs.

    Syria: International shock at death of 30 children in school bomb attack
  7. Union growth 2 October 2014

    Uzbekistan: cotton harvest enslaves teachers and students

    Global action demands end to forced labour in Uzbek cotton fields. Protestors call on Government to stop using education system as tool of modern-day slavery.

    Uzbekistan: cotton harvest enslaves teachers and students
  8. Union growth 30 September 2014

    Maternity Leave Directive Back in European Parliament

    The EU maternity leave directive is back in the European Parliament. The newly-elected FEMM Committee in the European Parliament had a first discussion on amending the directive in their first meeting in September 2014.

    Maternity Leave Directive Back in European Parliament
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 17 September 2014

    Ebola’s ongoing impact on African teachers

    Ebola continues to hit the education sector in Africa, according to two of EI’s affiliates in the region, the National Teachers’ Association of Liberia (NTAL) and the Sierra Leone Teachers’ Union (SLTU).

    Ebola’s ongoing impact on African teachers
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 16 September 2014

    Taiwan: Teachers’ union stands up for students’ health

    A national teachers’ union in Taiwan has called for the boycott of a major food manufacturer in a bid, it says, to protect Taiwanese people’s health, especially that of students.

    Taiwan: Teachers’ union stands up for students’ health
  11. Union growth 12 September 2014

    EI calls for release of jailed Bahraini Teacher

    Falsely convicted as a political prisoner, Mahdi Abu Deeb, of the Bahraini Teachers association has received the support of Education International’s General Secretary in a video message that stresses his courage fighting for freedom.

    EI calls for release of jailed Bahraini Teacher
  12. Union growth 5 September 2014

    Back to school campaign remains critical in a world of conflict

    As children around the world prepare to head back to school the unprecedented number of ongoing emergencies are devastating education systems for millions of children.

    Back to school campaign remains critical in a world of conflict
  13. Union growth 4 September 2014

    Paraguay: Excessive repression against teachers

    When teachers in Paraguay took to the streets last month to demand a decent budget for public education, they were met with police force rather than having their calls for quality education heard.

    Paraguay: Excessive repression against teachers
  14. Union growth 4 September 2014

    Norwegian teachers claim victory as strike ends

    The teachers’ strike in Norway has ended after two months with a new agreement reached between the Union of Education Norway (UEN) and employers. At its height at the beginning of this school year, nearly 8,000 UEN members were out on strike.

    Norwegian teachers claim victory as strike ends
  15. Union growth 29 August 2014

    Syrian refugees get chance at education in Jordan

    The latest back-to-school campaign aims at sending 300.000 Syrian refugee children into the classroom this autumn, helping them work toward a positive future.

    Syrian refugees get chance at education in Jordan