
  1. Union growth 7 July 2014

    Lithuania: ETUCE strikes deal with Prime Minister

    Raising their voices to be heard loud and clear, thousands of teachers demonstrated in front of government offices to put an end to five years of salary freezes in the education sector.

    Lithuania: ETUCE strikes deal with Prime Minister
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 1 July 2014

    Health and Safety Framework 2014-2020

    The new Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work, presented by the European Commission in June, identifies seven strategic objectives for the years 2014-2020. It proposes key actions and instruments for promoting workers’ health and safety in Europe.

    Health and Safety Framework 2014-2020
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 1 July 2014

    Search for missing Israeli students ends in tragedy

    It is with shock and sadness that Education International learnt of the deaths of three Israeli students abducted on 12 June as they travelled home from school.

    Search for missing Israeli students ends in tragedy
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 26 June 2014

    Employers attack workers’ right to strike

    Negotiations at the International Labour Conference in Geneva have ended in an abrupt deadlock after the Employers’ Group targeted the right to strike, arguing that it is not guaranteed by any International Labour Organisation convention.

    Employers attack workers’ right to strike
  5. Union growth 19 June 2014

    Korea: Education union loses lawsuit to reverse delegalisation

    A Korean court has again turned its back on the International Labour Organization's recommendations in its decision to remove the legal status of one of the country’s teachers’ unions.

    Korea: Education union loses lawsuit to reverse delegalisation
  6. Union growth 11 June 2014

    Djibouti: Government repression of teachers continues to worsen

    Teachers’ union reaches out to Education International for support amid ongoing government measures to remove educators from the classroom and the civil service list, including the union’s general secretary and other high-level members.

    Djibouti: Government repression of teachers continues to worsen
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 5 June 2014

    EI defends educators’ rights at International Labour Conference

    In an address to the 103rd International Labour Conference General Assembly in Geneva on 4 June, EI Deputy General Secretary, Haldis Holst, asked the delegates to support the Unite for Quality Education campaign and underlined the importance of the joint work between EI and the different sections of the International...

    EI defends educators’ rights at International Labour Conference
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 4 June 2014

    Ghana: Education unionists’ solidarity with abducted Nigerian school girls

    The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), one of EI’s national affiliates, has organised a meeting to demand the release of the kidnapped Nigerian girls and to support the girls’ right to education.

    Ghana: Education unionists’ solidarity with abducted Nigerian school girls
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 3 June 2014

    International Labour Conference: A lot at stake for trade unionism

    Collective bargaining and the right to strike have become contested issues at the International Labour Conference over the last few years. At this year’s conference, from 28 May to 12 June, trade unions from all over the world are working together to defend what they see as fundamental workers’ rights.

    International Labour Conference: A lot at stake for trade unionism
  10. Union growth 29 May 2014

    The Canadian Teachers’ Federation stands up for locked out BC teachers

    Teachers under siege in British Columbia have found a supportive union ally in their fight against aggressive government tactics as an imposed lockout disrupts classrooms across the province.

    The Canadian Teachers’ Federation stands up for locked out BC teachers
  11. Union growth 28 May 2014

    Balkans: EI launches urgent action appeal

    EI and its European region, the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE), have launched an urgent action appeal, calling for solidarity and support for Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    Balkans: EI launches urgent action appeal
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 27 May 2014

    EI to put education on the agenda at the International Labour Conference

    An EI delegation is all set to participate in the annual conference of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) from 28 May to 12 Juneto promote decent working conditions for teachers and to advocate for quality education as an enabler to all other rights promoted by the ILO.

    EI to put education on the agenda at the International Labour Conference
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 21 May 2014

    UN Envoy Gordon Brown pushes education to top of trade union agenda

    Taking the stage in Berlin, the world’s education ambassador treated trade union delegates at the International Trade Union Confederation Congress to a rousing speech to stress their role in creating quality, accessible education around the world.

    UN Envoy Gordon Brown pushes education to top of trade union agenda
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 21 May 2014

    UN Envoy Gordon Brown pushes education to top of trade union agenda

    Taking the stage in Berlin, the world’s education ambassador treated trade union delegates at the International Trade Union Confederation Congress to a rousing speech to stress their role in creating quality, accessible education around the world.

    UN Envoy Gordon Brown pushes education to top of trade union agenda
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 20 May 2014

    Tajikistan: programme on trade union principles and leadership

    The EI Asia-Pacific regional office organised two intermediate trade union workshops of 28 participants each for members of its national affiliate, the Republican Trade Union Committee of Education and Scientific Workers (RC-STES). The first one was held in Kayarakum from 2-4 April, the second one in Kurgantube from 6-8 April.

    Tajikistan: programme on trade union principles and leadership
  16. Trade union rights are human rights 14 May 2014

    EI demands urgent action in Nigeria

    Education International has urged the ILO and UNESCO to take immediate and effective action with respect to the attacks on schools in the Nigerian states Borno, Yobe and Adamawa by Boko Haram, a group of islamist extremists opposed to “Western education”.

    EI demands urgent action in Nigeria