
  1. Union growth 18 July 2011

    Bahrain: Serious assault on teachers’ rights

    EI has condemned the decision of Bahrain’s Ministry of Social Development to dissolve the Bahrain Teachers’ Association (BTA) and to prosecute its leaders in a military court on spurious charges of ‘leaving work on purpose, encouraging others to do so, and taking part in illegal gatherings.’

    Bahrain: Serious assault on teachers’ rights
  2. Union growth 15 July 2011

    UN: Resolution on the right to education in armed conflict areas

    EI welcomes a new resolution adopted by the United Nations Security Council as a major step forward in preventing attacks and making schools safe for children and education personnel in armed conflict situations.

    UN: Resolution on the right to education in armed conflict areas
  3. Union growth 12 July 2011

    Sri Lanka: Thugs attack teacher unionists

    Teachers protesting in Kurunegala, Sri Lanka, have been attacked by groups of armed thugs who are suspected of having close links with the government, according to the National Trade Union Centre (NTUC).

    Sri Lanka: Thugs attack teacher unionists
  4. Union growth 8 July 2011

    Egypt: Independent teachers’ union fights for rights

    The independent teachers’ union in Egypt is fighting for the enactment of legislation to ensure trade union rights. EI’s member, the Independent Teachers Union of Egypt – which was founded July 2010 before the revolution – is part of the new Independent Trade Union Federation.

    Egypt: Independent teachers’ union fights for rights
  5. Union growth 6 July 2011

    Botswana: Government takes away teachers’ right to strike

    The Government of Botswana has amended its laws in order to make it illegal for teachers to go on strike. The move comes as the government decided to re-classify teachers as ‘essential services’ and therefore making it illegal for teachers to withdraw their labour.

    Botswana: Government takes away teachers’ right to strike
  6. Union growth 1 July 2011

    Greece: Teachers under attack as violence erupts

    Members of Greek teachers’ unions clashed with police forces yesterday as they protested against a set of draconian budget cuts that were approved by parliament on Wednesday. The demonstration was led by the Greek Federation of Secondary State School Teachers (OLME) and the Greek Primary Teachers Federation (DOE) and took...

    Greece: Teachers under attack as violence erupts
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 30 June 2011

    EI statement to mark the twentieth anniversary of abolition of apartheid in South Africa

    As over 1600 teacher unionists are about to converge to Cape Town for the 6h World Congress of Education International, EI, on behalf of its 30 million teachers and education workers worldwide, expresses its admiration with all the South African colleagues for their struggle to abolish apartheid, overcome profound injustice...

    EI statement to mark the twentieth anniversary of abolition of apartheid in South Africa
  8. Union growth 30 June 2011

    EI statement to mark the twentieth anniversary of abolition of apartheid in South Africa

    As over 1600 teacher unionists are about to converge to Cape Town for the 6h World Congress of Education International, EI, on behalf of its 30 million teachers and education workers worldwide, expresses its admiration with all the South African colleagues for their struggle to abolish apartheid, overcome profound injustice...

    EI statement to mark the twentieth anniversary of abolition of apartheid in South Africa
  9. Union growth 29 June 2011

    Celebrate International Nelson Mandela Day

    Many of EI’s Sixth World Congress participants will arrive in Cape Town, South Africa, in time to mark International Nelson Mandela Day on 18 July. The day honours Mandela’s life-long dedication to social justice, and urges people to take small actions to improve their communities and change the world.

    Celebrate International Nelson Mandela Day
  10. Union growth 28 June 2011

    Turkey: Government repression of teacher unionists continues

    The Turkish Education and Science Workers’ Union, Egitim Sen, has condemned a police raided of its Van branch office in eastern Turkey and the arbitrary arrest of six more trade unionists.

    Turkey: Government repression of teacher unionists continues
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 27 June 2011

    EI condemns the murders of more teachers in Colombia

    EI condemns and expresses its deep sorrow at the murders of four more teachers in Colombia: Dionis Alfredo Sierra Vergara was murdered on 15 May; Carlos Julio Gómez was shot on 26 May; Freddy Antonio Cuadrado Núñez was killed on 27 May, and Alejandro José Peñata López on 20 June....

    EI condemns the murders of more teachers in Colombia
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 22 June 2011

    Unions in Motion – film festival focuses on rights

    The international Trade Union Film Festival – ’Unions in Motion’ – has shown a variety of short and feature films, related to trade union activity and the fight back against austerity cuts, at Landschaftspark Nord, in Duisburg, Germany.

    Unions in Motion – film festival focuses on rights
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 17 June 2011

    ILO adopts Convention on Decent Work for Domestic Workers

    EI and the Global March Against Child Labour have welcomed the adoption by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) of the Convention for protection of domestic workers, accompanied by a set of Recommendations at the International Labour Conference (ILC) in Geneva, Switzerland.

    ILO adopts Convention on Decent Work for Domestic Workers
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 16 June 2011

    Colombia: Political prisoner Miguel Beltran absolved of all charges

    EI is delighted to report that Dr. Miguel Angel Beltran has been released from a Colombian prison after being absolved of the charges of ‘rebellion’ and ‘criminal conspiracy for terrorist purposes’.

    Colombia: Political prisoner Miguel Beltran absolved of all charges
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 16 June 2011

    Georgia: Workers’ rights deteriorate as government fails to honour agreements

    Trade unionists have met to discuss the deteriorating situation of workers’ rights in Georgia. Workers are being pressed to work in unhealthy and dangerous environments, trade union activists are being dismissed, and trade union leaders are being harassed and threatened. The existence of the entire independent trade union organisations is...

    Georgia: Workers’ rights deteriorate as government fails to honour agreements
  16. Trade union rights are human rights 10 June 2011

    Swaziland: Teachers demand freeze of King’s assets

    Almost 3,000 teachers in Swaziland have marched to the South African and US embassies to insist on an international asset freeze against the country’s absolute ruler, King Mswati III, alleging corruption and mismanagement of national resources.

    Swaziland: Teachers demand freeze of King’s assets
  17. Trade union rights are human rights 9 June 2011

    EI demands the urgent application of core labour standards

    “In many countries, core labour standards are far from fully applied for the teaching profession” EI’s representative told the International Labour Conference (ILC) in Geneva, Switzerland, yesterday.

    EI demands the urgent application of core labour standards
  18. Trade union rights are human rights 27 May 2011

    Trade unions protest against anti-union crackdown in Bahrain

    A delegation of international, European and Belgian trade unions, including Education International (EI), delivered a letter of protest to the Bahrain Embassy in Brussels on 26 May to condemn the on-going attacks on the trade unionists in Bahrain. Embassy officials refused to give an audience to the delegation led by...

    Trade unions protest against anti-union crackdown in Bahrain