
  1. Union growth 1 March 2011

    Pakistan: Striking teachers win negotiations for better conditions

    More than 7,000 Pakistani teachers have called off their indefinite strike after the Prime Minister, Yousuf Raza Gilani, issued a special directive in relation to upgrading teachers’ conditions bringing uniformity to pay scales within the education system.

    Pakistan: Striking teachers win negotiations for better conditions
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 25 February 2011

    Greece: Teacher unions join forces to fight neo-liberal policies

    The Greek Federation of Secondary Education School Teachers (OLME) and the Primary Education Teachers’ Federation (DOE) are protesting against austerity measures which are damaging education by holding a 48-hour strike.

    Greece: Teacher unions join forces to fight neo-liberal policies
  3. Union growth 25 February 2011

    A season of change in the Arab world

    The speed of political and social change in the Middle East and North Africa has astounded the international community.

    A season of change in the Arab world
  4. Union growth 24 February 2011

    Historian of education defends teachers’ right to organise

    Eminent academic Diane Ravitch has delivered a stinging rebuke of Wisconsin's Governor, Scott Walker, and his efforts to reduce pay of teachers and public sector workers, while restricting their collective bargaining and union rights.

    Historian of education defends teachers’ right to organise
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 22 February 2011

    EI launches new teachers’ guide to healthy living and learning

    EI has worked with the Education Development Center and World Health Organisation to present their latest EFAIDS resource: ‘Healthy Action: An activity book for teachers and learners’.

    EI launches new teachers’ guide to healthy living and learning
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 22 February 2011

    CAR: Teachers provide education despite on-going violence

    EI is supporting teachers in the Central African Republic (CAR) who are struggling to bring quality education to their students despite decades of political violence.

    CAR: Teachers provide education despite on-going violence
  7. Union growth 22 February 2011

    Georgia: Unions demand consultation on teacher qualification

    Georgia’s EI affiliate, the Educators and Scientists Free Trade Union (ESFTUG), has responded to proposals for a new teachers’ certification process by calling on the Georgian Ministry of Education to engage with consultation.

    Georgia: Unions demand consultation on teacher qualification
  8. Union growth 16 February 2011

    Colombia: killing of teacher unionists must end

    The Colombian teacher and trade unionist, Carlos Alberto Ayala, was shot dead on 5 February. The gunmen who murdered him had been laying in wait for him as he returned to his home in Puerto Asís.

    Colombia: killing of teacher unionists must end
  9. Union growth 11 February 2011

    Education unions prepare for life after Mubarak

    Hosni Mubarak has decided to step down as the President of Egypt. In an announcement on state TV, Vice-President Omar Suleiman said Mr Mubarak has handed power to the military.

    Education unions prepare for life after Mubarak
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 7 February 2011

    Day of action for democracy and civil rights in Egypt

    As Egypt operates under immense uncertainty following two weeks of deadly anti-government protests, trade unionists around the world are joining a Day of Action for Democracy on 8 February.

    Day of action for democracy and civil rights in Egypt
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 7 February 2011

    Iran: Continuing harassment and detention of teachers condemned

    EI has once again raised its concerns about the harassment and intimidation of Iranian teacher trade unionists by the national authorities.

    Iran: Continuing harassment and detention of teachers condemned
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 3 February 2011

    EI condemns “desperate tactics” as Egypt uprising turns violent

    EI has called for Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak to bring an immediate end to the violence being led by his regime against peaceful demonstrators who continue to demand fundamental rights and democratic change.

    EI condemns “desperate tactics” as Egypt uprising turns violent
  13. Union growth 31 January 2011

    Colombia: Murder of teacher unionists continue into 2011

    EI condemns the brutal murder of Colombian teacher trade unionist, Manuel Esteban Tejada, on 10 January. His assassination brings the death toll to 28 teacher unionists who have been killed in Colombia in the past year.

    Colombia: Murder of teacher unionists continue into 2011
  14. Union growth 24 January 2011

    Tunisia faces teacher strike, protests against new government

    Teachers across Tunisia have gone on strike today, when many students intended to return to class, after weeks of mass protests that brought down the government of former President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.

    Tunisia faces teacher strike, protests against new government
  15. Union growth 13 January 2011

    Tunisia: Schools and universities shut down as teachers join protests

    Tunisia’s government has imposed curfews in the capital and shut down all schools and universities indefinitely after violent protests, during which scores of people have been killed.

    Tunisia: Schools and universities shut down as teachers join protests
  16. Union growth 17 December 2010

    It’s time to ratify the Migrants Workers’ Convention

    On 18 December, International Migrants’ Day, EI is calling on governments to ratify the Migrant Workers’ Convention (UN Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Members of their Families).

    It’s time to ratify the Migrants Workers’ Convention
  17. Union growth 9 December 2010

    Human Rights Day: EI gives voice to teacher union activists’ rights

    As teacher trade unionists around the world mark International Day for Human Rights on 10 December, EI salutes the bravery of teachers who strive to tackle the violation of peoples' basic rights to live with human dignity and respect.

    Human Rights Day: EI gives voice to teacher union activists’ rights