
  1. Union growth 8 August 2008

    Iran: Kamangar’s defenders suffer reprisals

    Three teachers who joined a committee in support of Farzad Kamangar have been imprisoned, and several other trade unionists who have been calling for re-examination of his case are now receiving threats and phone calls from the Ministry of Intelligence, which does not hesitate to call family members of activists...

    Iran: Kamangar’s defenders suffer reprisals
  2. Union growth 31 July 2008

    Ethiopia: EI asks government to amend its draft bill on associations

    EI has written to Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi to deplore that the Charities and Societies Proclamation, a draft law, is a covert means of placing civil society organisations under government control. EI joined Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International in their criticism of the proposed legislation.

    Ethiopia: EI asks government to amend its draft bill on associations
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 30 July 2008

    Putting the 'C' in ABC

    The recent controversy in South Africa on making condoms available in schools highlighted what remains a sensitive issue in some societies. The fear that sex education combined with access to contraception, including condoms, encourages young people to have sex at an early age is a very real concern for many...

    Putting the 'C' in ABC
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 30 July 2008

    EFAIDS Workshops in Venezuela and Dominican Republic

    Recent workshops in Venezuela and the Dominican Republic reflect the growing emphasis on intra-regional partnership. In this spirit of cooperation, Gabriela Bonilla of the EI Latin American Regional Office in Costa Rica and Rosario Avila from the Honduran teacher union movement travelled to facilitate workshops in Caracas and Santo Domingo.

    EFAIDS Workshops in Venezuela and Dominican Republic
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 30 July 2008

    NANTU launch workplace policy

    The Namibia National Teachers’ Union, NANTU, has produced a comprehensive HIV and AIDS Workplace Policy. The document, which was drafted in consultation with the legal assistance centre in Namibia, was launched on 21 June during the National Teachers’ Council Meeting. NANTU plans to attune their EFAIDS activities to the policy...

    NANTU launch workplace policy
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 30 July 2008

    EFAIDS Workshop in Bamako

    Mor Mbengue, Deputy Secretary General of the Senegalese Union Démocratique des Enseignantes et des Enseignants du Sénégal (UDEN) travelled to Bamako, Mali to share his knowledge of the new EFAIDS toolkits with Malian colleagues. Forty national facilitators of the Malian Syndicat National de l’Education et de la Culture (SNEC) from...

    EFAIDS Workshop in Bamako
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 30 July 2008

    Union meeting to precede International AIDS Conference in Mexico

    The Global Union AIDS Programme is organising a two-day Labour AIDS Forum to facilitate trade union cooperation in advance of the biennial International AIDS Conference taking place in Mexico City from 3-8 August 2008.

    Union meeting to precede International AIDS Conference in Mexico
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 30 July 2008

    Contribute the union view on HIV/AIDS in the World of Work

    The first round of consultation on the drafting of the ILO Recommendation on HIV/AIDS in the World of Work will soon close.

    Contribute the union view on HIV/AIDS in the World of Work
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 30 July 2008

    Greater global effort needed to achieve 2010 goal on HIV/AIDS

    One of the highlights of the United Nations High Level Meeting on AIDS held in New York on 10 - 11 June was the presentation of the progress report on the implementation of the 2001 Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the 2006 Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS.

    Greater global effort needed to achieve 2010 goal on HIV/AIDS
  10. Union growth 18 July 2008

    US Democrats woo teachers' unions

    Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is determined to help American educators create better opportunities for all children by improving education quality throughout the United States. He criticized the Bush administration for having failed to give teachers the means to achieve the goals of the No Child Left Behind Act, which...

    US Democrats woo teachers' unions
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 17 July 2008

    Iranian court upholds death sentence against teacher trade unionist

    Farzad Kamangar could face execution in the near future, according to the web site Human Rights Activists in Iran. On 11 July, the Iranian Supreme Court confirmed the death penalty against Kamangar, a 33-year-old Kurdish teacher and trade unionist.

    Iranian court upholds death sentence against teacher trade unionist
  12. Union growth 17 July 2008

    EI supports campaign to free imprisoned Turkish trade unionist

    EI echoes the call from Public Services International to free Meryem Özsögüt. A member of the executive committee of the Health Workers Trade Union (SES), Özsögüt has been in jail for the past six months for having done nothing more than attend a press conference to denounce the killing of...

    EI supports campaign to free imprisoned Turkish trade unionist
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 11 July 2008

    Argentina: Murderer of teacher Carlos Fuentealba sentenced to life in prison

    The convicted murderer of Argentine teacher Carlos Fuentealba has been sentenced to life in prison by a court in Neuquén, the city in which he was killed during a peaceful teacher union demonstration last year.

    Argentina: Murderer of teacher Carlos Fuentealba sentenced to life in prison
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 1 July 2008

    Zimbabwe: Attacks on unionists continue after election

    The national campaign of intimidation against human and trade union rights activists continues even after Robert Mugabe has been sworn in for another 5-year term. This follows an election process described by the African Union as "falling short of accepted AU standards."

    Zimbabwe: Attacks on unionists continue after election
  15. Union growth 27 June 2008

    Ethiopia: The Federal Supreme Court rules against the original ETA

    Late on 26 June, EI received a disturbing update from Gemoraw Kassa, General Secretary of the ETA, established in 1949 and EI Member, informing EI that the court of cassation at the Federal Supreme Court ruled against the original ETA, 26 June.

    Ethiopia: The Federal Supreme Court rules against the original ETA
  16. Trade union rights are human rights 27 June 2008

    Education International joins the World AIDS Campaign in calling for the establishment of a high-level G8 AIDS mechanism and the fulfilment of commitments made on AIDS at previous G8 summits

    Education International and the Global Unions endorse the campaign statement and EI encourages affiliates to support it by sending their organisation’s name and email address to signup@ua2010.org with the subject ‘Statement Agreement’ before 30 June 2008.

    Education International joins the World AIDS Campaign in calling for the establishment of a high-level G8 AIDS mechanism and the fulfilment of commitments made on AIDS at previous G8 summits