
  1. Leading the profession 29 July 2024

    This is our time: Education International General Secretary delivers progress report and rallying call to the 10th World Congress

    On July 29, David Edwards, Education International General Secretary, took the stage in front of more than 1,200 education union leaders to reflect on the challenges and achievements of the global education union movement in the last five years. Despite a multitude of crises, from the Covid-19 pandemic to the...

    This is our time: Education International General Secretary delivers progress report and rallying call to the 10th World Congress
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 July 2024

    Investing in quality education and teachers: an African perspective on EI’s upcoming World Congress

    Joan Aja

    The teaching profession is traditionally known to be a noble profession and a driver for all sectors and industries we have in the world of work. The profession is highly valued but greatly ignored by many African governments: they want quality teaching but take a short-sighted approach and are unwilling...

    Investing in quality education and teachers: an African perspective on EI’s upcoming World Congress
  3. Leading the profession 29 July 2024

    Teachers and education support personnel: The lifeblood of education systems and at the forefront of change

    In the midst of a global education crisis, teachers and education support personnel stand resilient, embodying hope and transformation This was highlighted by United Nations (UN) Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed in her key address to the 10th World Congress of Education International (EI).

    Teachers and education support personnel: The lifeblood of education systems and at the forefront of change
  4. Leading the profession 29 July 2024

    Education and training, key elements in the peaceful development of French-speaking countries

    At a time when French-speaking countries are experiencing serious shortages of teachers and education support personnel, threatening to affect their development, the CSFEF (Francophone Trade Union Committee for Education and Training), Education International’s (EI) network of French-speaking member organisations, must engage and assume its full and rightful place within the...

    Education and training, key elements in the peaceful development of French-speaking countries
  5. Equity and inclusion 28 July 2024

    Unions continue to advance gender equality and equity in and through education

    Achieving gender equality and equity in education and in unions continues to be a top priority for Education International member organisations. A new survey of 123 education unions from around the world reveals a strong union commitment and significant progress made, as well as challenges and areas for improvement to...

    Unions continue to advance gender equality and equity in and through education
  6. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 July 2024

    Joining forces to protect Higher Education: A stand for democracy and rights

    Further and higher education and research are human rights and the responsibility of the State. They require sustainable public funding to fulfill their public mission. This message was loud and clear as the Higher Education Caucus gathered on July 28 to address the pressing challenges confronting the sector.

    Joining forces to protect Higher Education: A stand for democracy and rights
  7. Equity and inclusion

    Report on the 2024 Education International Quadrennial Survey on LGBTI+ Rights in Education

    28 July 2024

    The 2024 Quadrennial Survey aims to provide an informative cross-section of union policies, advocacy points and current educational challenges, together with selected case studies which seek to advance EI’s work furthering and protecting LGBTI+ rights in and through education.

    Report on the 2024 Education International Quadrennial Survey on LGBTI+ Rights in Education
    1. Download
  8. Equity and inclusion

    EI 2024 Quadrennial Survey on Indigenous Peoples and the Right to Education

    28 July 2024

    Since EI’s first World Congress in 1995, the education trade union movement has recognised the importance of solidarity with, and advocating for, the rights of Indigenous Peoples. This means in and through educational systems, but also extends to the broader world of work, in the fight for climate justice, land...

    EI 2024 Quadrennial Survey on Indigenous Peoples and the Right to Education
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  9. Equity and inclusion

    Report on the 2024 Education International Quadrennial Gender Survey

    28 July 2024

    This report outlines the findings of the Gender Equality and Equity survey covering the 2019-2023 period, the latest in EI’s Quadrennial Surveys on Gender Equality and Diversity. It is based on 123 responses to an online survey sent out to members (response rate of 33%) and 13 in-depth interviews with...

    Report on the 2024 Education International Quadrennial Gender Survey
    1. Download
  10. Equity and inclusion 27 July 2024

    Education unions promote and advance LGBTI+ rights globally

    At a time when LGBTI+ lives are painted as a false "moral threat" to society, to distract from failed austerity policies and remove broader civil and human rights, the LGBTI+ Caucus discussed the current state of LGBTI+ rights in the world of work and in education systems globally. It also...

    Education unions promote and advance LGBTI+ rights globally
  11. Future of work in education 27 July 2024

    Advancing educators' health and well-being: a global effort

    The well-being of education professionals is crucial for quality education, yet it faces significant challenges globally. Recognising the interdependence of education and health, key organisations are partnering with Education International (EI) to find solutions to advance the well-being of educators worldwide.

    Advancing educators' health and well-being: a global effort
  12. Equity and inclusion 27 July 2024

    Growing union mobilisation for Indigenous People’s rights in and through education

    New research from Education International shows a substantial increase in the number of education unions recognising and engaging with Indigenous People’s issues over the past 10 years. Significant challenges remain, preventing Indigenous students and educators from seeing their rights fulfilled in many parts of the world. The role of education...

    Growing union mobilisation for Indigenous People’s rights in and through education
  13. Leading the profession 24 July 2024

    African union communicators ready to contribute to the 10th Education International World Congress advancing quality education and educators’ status in their region

    The last meeting held by Education International Africa Communication Network (EI Africa ComNet) focused on ensuring a smooth flow of the 10th EI World Congress exposure. To ensure that regional governments prioritize quality education for all, the EI Africa ComNet plans to cover the main themes of Congress. African delegates...

    African union communicators ready to contribute to the 10th Education International World Congress advancing quality education and educators’ status in their region
  14. Leading the profession 2 July 2024

    The world’s educators rally to grow their unions, elevate their professions, and defend democracy

    Under the theme of “Growing our Unions, Elevating our Professions, Defending Democracy,” educators from around the world are ready to come together for the 10th World Congress of Education International (EI) which will convene in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from July 29th until August 2nd, 2024.

    The world’s educators rally to grow their unions, elevate their professions, and defend democracy