
Education International
Education International

Asia Pacific Region: EFAIDS Update

published 13 June 2007 updated 13 June 2007

Early in 2007, EI conducted feasibility studies in Nepal and Indonesia to look at the potential roles that the teachers' organisations based there can play in contributing towards providing Education for All and combating HIV and AIDS, within the context of the EFAIDS Programme.

In Nepal, a study team headed by Project Consultant Mr. P. Ramanathan and assisted by the representatives of the Nepal National Teachers’ Association (NNTA), Nepal Teachers’ Association (NTA) and EI regional office conducted a rapid assessment of the situation in the country in February and March of this year. They recommended that the EI EFAIDS programmes should be started in the country.

“The political situation in Nepal is still considered fluid with various problems. There is still conflict in some parts. It would be prudent to have clear guidelines in selecting areas for programmes to ensure they are not disrupted. The government has initiated changes in the constitution to make education a fundamental right. Everyone is looking to the New Nepal. The contribution of the teachers’ organisations can become significant”, Mr. Ramanathan said.

In Indonesia, a study team comprising representatives from the Teachers’ Association of the Republic of Indonesia (PGRI) and EI held preliminary interviews with the organisations working in Education for All and HIV/AIDS. The EI Asia Pacific Regional Office is looking into the possibility of expanding the EFAIDS programmes in Asia as the Dakar dateline of 2015 draws closer. The EFAIDS programme provides ample avenues for teachers’ organisations to play a role in their respective countries in addressing Education for All and the spread of HIV/AIDS. For more information, please contact us at efaids@ei-ie.org.