
Education International
Education International

ActionAid Publish Report on Abstinence

published 13 September 2007 updated 13 September 2007

ActionAid have just published a report which develops new theories on the issue of sexual abstinence as a means of preventing HIV infection.

The report, put together by the UK Working Group on Education and HIV/AIDS argues that the term "abstinence" consists of two separate concepts which should be distinguished from one another: the initiation of sexual activity and sexual abstinence until marriage. The main conclusion is that “(whilst) very few educators or practitioners would argue against encouraging sexual delay for children…..there exist no parallel health-related reasons for abstaining until marriage.” In addition, the report discusses the impact of PEPFAR (the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) on HIV & AIDS education. To receive a hard copy, contact ActionAid’s Egi Summer on egigayehu.summers@actionaid.org.