
Education International
Education International

World AIDS Day: Teachers share experiences of One Hour on AIDS

published 21 January 2008 updated 21 January 2008

In 2007 EI and its affiliates launched a brand new initiative called ‘One Hour on AIDS’ which affords teachers the opportunity to bring the World AIDS Day campaign into the classrooms. As a result, World AIDS Day 2007 saw teachers and children in schools around the world benefiting from a lesson on HIV and AIDS on the same day.

EI has received a number of reports from its affiliates detailing their experiences of launching ‘One Hour on AIDS’. Here are a few examples of the feedback.

The National Union of Primary Teachers in Niger (SNEB) provided the following summary:

"Using the Kit provided by EI and the EDC as a basis, we organised discussions in all schools in Niger. These sessions allowed the students involved to better understand AIDS and to take initiatives to get involved in the fight against AIDS. In some schools in the capital, Niamey, civil society actors were invited to participate in these discussions. The President of the national EFA coalition was present for one of the events and expressed his support and enthusiasm for this initiative."

The teacher unions in Guinea FSPE (Professional Union Federation of Education Workers) and SLECG (Free Union of Teachers and Researchers Guinea) gave the following description of the events in the classrooms:

"Students talked about what HIV and AIDS actually mean, how HIV can be transmitted and how to protect themselves from infection. They went on to develop a list of pledges including a commitment to using condoms."

The Uganda National Teachers’ Union (UNATU) provided EI with a long list of the pledges made by students, including a vow to reach out to peers - both in and out of school - and to family members. Many students pledged to avoid risky behaviour that may predispose them to HIV infection. They also said that they would put a stop to stigma and discrimination in their schools.

If you got involved in ‘One Hour on AIDS’ this year, we want to know about it! Please send us your reports at efaids@ei-ie.org. Photos are always appreciated.

EI would like to congratulate its member organisations on getting involved in ‘One Hour on AIDS’ and hopes that the initiative will grow and reach more classrooms each year. For more information on ‘One Hour on AIDS’, see the EI website http://www.ei-ie.org/efaids/en/campaigns_wad.php.