
Education International
Education International

Summaries on HIV/AIDS and Education from IATT

published 9 April 2008 updated 9 April 2008

The UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Education of which Education International (EI) is a member have produced four Advocacy Briefing Notes.

The themes are: Girls’ Education and HIV Prevention; HIV and AIDS Education in Emergencies; Mainstreaming HIV in Education; Teachers Living with HIV and AIDS. Click on the links below to access the Notes online.

The Advocacy Briefing Notes are designed to provide those working in the educational sector with an overview of topics linking the dual themes of HIV/AIDS and education. The two page summaries make the themes accessible to busy teachers and others working to promote HIV prevention through education. The Notes aim to facilitate logical and clear interventions by educational workers at conferences, meetings and advocacy events on the HIV/AIDS crisis. Education International encourages members and partners to make use of this resource in preparing speeches or union policies, resulting in a more consistent message and more sustained impact.

If you have difficulty downloading the documents below or for more information, please contact us at efaids@ei-ie.org.