
Education International
Education International

Spend ‘One Hour on AIDS’ on World AIDS Day

published 23 September 2008 updated 23 September 2008

World AIDS Day on 1 December is an opportunity to emphasise education for HIV prevention and combat stigma on AIDS with colleagues and students. Building on the success of last year, the EI EFAIDS Programme has prepared a ‘One Hour on AIDS’ activity kit which teachers around the world can use to share knowledge and encourage discussion on HIV/AIDS issues.

Education has a central role to play. Despite 2001 pledges at the UN General Assembly that, by 2010, 90% of young men and women would have the knowledge to adequately protect themselves from HIV and AIDS, the results of 2007 national surveys show worryingly low levels – 40 percent or less – of accurate knowledge.

By dedicating one hour on 1st December to HIV/AIDS education, teachers can take concrete action to increase awareness amongst their students and colleagues. The kit contains a lesson plan and poster and is designed to support teachers to talk about AIDS and to be flexible to the local context. To achieve maximum impact, Education International has coordinated with unions to translate the lesson plan into key national languages.

The kit is now available to download in English, French, Spanish and Portugese from the EFAIDS website and EI affiliates will receive copies in October. EI is hopeful that the World AIDS Day kit will be widely distributed and that teachers take up the challenge of raising awareness on HIV and AIDS in their classrooms, workplaces and communities.

For more information and further updates about the EI EFAIDS ‘One Hour on AIDS’ strategy for World AIDS Day visit www.ei-ie.org/efaids or email efaids@ei-ie.org .