
Education International
Education International

Put People First: Join the pre-G20 demonstration in London on 28 March!

published 16 March 2009 updated 16 March 2009

On 28 March, thousands will march through London as part of a global campaign to challenge the G20, ahead of their 2 April summit on the global financial crisis. Both EI and the International Trade Union Confederation strong urge their member organisations, and in particular those in the G20 countries, to be represented at the rally organised by the UK Trade Union Congress.

A large turn-out at the march and rally will help to emphasise the trade union demand for urgent and decisive action to stop the current economic crisis from deepening further. It will also help to highlight the trade union recommendations to protect decent jobs for all, namely:

  • A coordinated recovery plan to boost the world economy, including a ‘global Green New Deal’;
  • A new international system of economic governance to manage 21st century global capitalism, including a strengthening of the role of the International Labour Organisation;
  • Regulation of global financial markets;
  • Combating the rise of injustice and providing a central role for partnership with trade unions.

Education International encourages its member organisations to emphasise the vital role which investment in education should play in recovery plans. Investment in education infrastructure and human resources and in the development of quality public education services will help to underpin economic recovery and build a strong base for economic development into the future.

The march will form up along the Victoria Embankment from 11am, before setting off at noon. It will then make its way past the Parliament and through the centre of London to the rally site in Hyde Park. Details may be found at http://www.putpeoplefirst.org.uk/

* Note: To link up with EI's UK member organisations who will be participating, contact members of the EI/ETUCE Bureau: Jerry Bartlett (NASUWT) or Paul Bennett (UCU). If your organisation decides to send a representative to the march and rally, please advise Owen Tudor at the TUC in London (otudor@tuc.org.uk) with a copy to paneurope@ei-ie.org.

For more information, please visit the following websites.