
Education International
Education International

Haitian teacher unionists found alive

published 18 January 2010 updated 18 January 2010

EI is happy to report that two more leaders of its Haitian affiliate are confirmed to have survived the massive earthquake that devastated the capital Port-au-Prince last week.

According to Jean Lavaud, General Secretary of the Confédération National des Enseignants d’Haïti, his deputy André Jolibois and finance coordinator Lourdes Édith Joseph are both alive, although little is known about their condition.

Lavaud said he intends to return to Port-au-Prince Tuesday and attempt to make contact with colleagues and assess the damage to schools and the union office. EI is still seeking news about Frisner Orelien, President of Federation Gonaives, a local of the CNEH, and any other teachers and trade unionists.

EI has set up a special fund to assist Haitian teachers and their families, and urges all member organisations and concerned individuals to contribute. Donations can be transferred to the following account:

Education International “Fonds de Solidarité” ING Bank Rue du Trône, 14-16 1000 Brussels Account number: 310-1006170-75 IBAN: BE05 3101 0061 7075 SWIFT OR BIC CODE: BBRUBEBB

Anyone with additional information about the situation of teachers in Haiti is requested to contact: Nicolás Richards, EI Senior Coordinator, Solidarity and Development, nicolas.richards@ei-ie.org