
Empowerment in education: Kurdistan Teachers’ Union advocates for change

published 13 June 2024 updated 14 June 2024

The Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU) is spearheading a transformative campaign for the rights and recognition of educators in the Iraqi Kurdistan region. To that end, it held a series of high-level meetings with Iraq’s public authorities.

The quest for fair compensation: Tackling salary arrears and stalled increases

The KTU has laid out a critical issue plaguing the teaching community: unresolved salary arrears. Since 2014, educators have been subjected to a savings and cuts system, leaving 44 salaries partially paid and 15 completely unpaid. The union demands immediate action to rectify this long-standing financial oversight.

Retirement rights and legal recognition: The push for legislative reform

The union’s agenda also includes a call for the repeal of Law no. 27 of 2006, advocating for better retirement conditions under the federal Law no. 9 of 2014. This legislative change would significantly impact the lives of teachers, ensuring they receive the benefits they rightfully deserve.

The housing hurdle: Advocating for teachers’ living conditions

A staggering 60% of teachers in the region are still waiting for the land and housing units promised to them. The KTU emphasizes that this unfulfilled promise not only affects teachers’ rights, but also their ability to live and work comfortably.

Funding the future: Securing resources for quality education

Finally, the KTU urges the government to prioritize education by providing adequate funding to the ministries of education and higher education. This investment is crucial for enhancing the educational process and ensuring that teachers can deliver the best possible education to the next generation.

The response from Iraqi officials, including President Abdul Latif Rashid, has been one of support and commitment. They recognize the indispensable role of teachers and express a unified resolve to address these issues in collaboration with the Kurdistan Regional Government, thereby shaping a brighter future for education in the region.