
Markus Spiske / Unsplash
Markus Spiske / Unsplash

Climate action and literacy

The world is undeniably facing a climate emergency. As defenders of truth and science, teachers are mobilising for climate justice and literacy.

We are working to ensure climate change education is taught in schools across the world to equip students with the critical knowledge they need in their daily lives and to inform their choices as active citizens. We advocate for climate education to be integrated into curricula, initial teacher training and continuous professional development and for education to be recognised as a key tool in the fight against climate change.

Together with students, with the global trade union movement and civil society partners, we advocate for a just transition in order to secure workers’ rights and livelihoods as economies shift to sustainable production.

Our work in this area

  1. News 1 August 2024

    Education unions redouble efforts to ensure quality climate education and a just transition for all

    Educators around the world are standing up for the planet and for their students. The Teach for the Planet campaign was in the spotlight at Education International’s 10th World Congress taking place in Buenos Aires from 26 July to 2 August. Education unionists met to exchange best practices on climate...

    Education unions redouble efforts to ensure quality climate education and a just transition for all
  2. News 21 May 2024

    Tonga: Empowering educators for sustainable development and human rights

    The Friendly Islands Teachers’ Association (FITA) is leading a transformative effort to empower educators and promote sustainable development within Tonga's education sector. In March 2024, FITA, conducted two pivotal workshops focusing on climate change, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), trade union rights, and human rights.

    Tonga: Empowering educators for sustainable development and human rights
  3. News 13 May 2024

    Brazil: Teachers and educational centres in Rio Grande do Sul affected by floods

    The State of Rio Grande do Sul is underwater. According to the latest reports published by the state’s Civil Defence, as of 12 noon on Wednesday (the 8th of May), 417 of the 497 municipalities in the area reported issues due to the floods of recent days. A total of...

    Brazil: Teachers and educational centres in Rio Grande do Sul affected by floods
  4. News 25 April 2024

    Education International Climate Network: Towards a pedagogy of hope for people and planet

    On April 22 Education International’s Climate Network came together to celebrate Earth Day with an insightful discussion on the reform necessary to foster a pedagogy of hope and quality climate change education in classrooms everywhere. Education unionists were joined by three inspiring activists who are leading the youth movement for...

    Education International Climate Network: Towards a pedagogy of hope for people and planet
  5. Worlds of Education 8 December 2023

    Fossil fuel subsidies and educational performance

    Zeynep Clulow

    Around the world, companies, NGOs, policymakers, academics and national publics are increasingly calling on governments to phase-out fossil fuel subsidies (FS) - measures that support the consumption and production of natural gas, coal and oil – as a vital step for combatting climate change and building a more just and...

    Fossil fuel subsidies and educational performance
  6. Worlds of Education 4 December 2023

    Towards a Just Transition in Education: A Strategic Guide on Fossil Fuel Divestment for Education Unions

    Alanah Torralba

    Every year, despite recording ‘hottest ever’ temperatures, the world consumes more fossil fuels than ever before. Consequently, climate disasters also continue to rise in frequency and intensity. In 2022, for instance, a third of Pakistan’s land mass was under water for several months following record monsoon rains and melting glaciers...

    Towards a Just Transition in Education: A Strategic Guide on Fossil Fuel Divestment for Education Unions
  7. Publications

    Towards a Just Transition in Education: A Strategic Guide on Fossil Fuel Divestment for Education Unions

    Alanah Torralba
    22 November 2023

    Amidst intensifying climate change impacts, demanding the phaseout of fossil fuels and the acceleration of a just and rapid transition into a low-carbon economy are urgent political tasks. For educators and their unions, a critical step is consolidating a fossil fuel divestment campaign that targets not just the disentanglement of...

    Towards a Just Transition in Education: A Strategic Guide on Fossil Fuel Divestment for Education Unions
    1. Download
  8. Research

    Fossil Fuel Subsidies: A Briefing for Education Unions

    Zeynep Clulow
    22 November 2023

    This policy brief explores the fossil fuels-education relationship by combining the most comprehensive recent data on fossil fuels from the IMF fossil fuel database with educational performance and potential confounding factors from the World Bank World Development Indicators databases, resulting in a dataset of 1651 observations after omitting country-years with...

    Fossil Fuel Subsidies: A Briefing for Education Unions
    1. Summary
    2. Report
  9. News 22 November 2023

    South African President Ramaphosa: Investing in education builds resilience in times of crises

    “It is a real privilege to address this 10th Africa Regional Conference of Education International, particularly with its focus on shaping the future of education on our continent, as well as beyond. And the theme of your conference, 'Standing together for resilient education systems in times of crises', resonates very...

    South African President Ramaphosa: Investing in education builds resilience in times of crises
  10. News 22 September 2023

    Education unionists strategise action against fossil fuels

    The 9th meeting of the Education International Climate Network took place online on September 20. Fossil fuel subsidies and their impact on education, as well as education union strategies for fossil fuel divestment, and the continued mobilisation for climate education were on the agenda.

    Education unionists strategise action against fossil fuels
  11. Worlds of Education 25 July 2023

    From poetic pedagogy to a poetics of pedagogy

    Diana Léocadie, Sydalise Dufestin

    Pedagogy speaks of children. Poetry is addressed to children – the children we once were. In this alliance of words, it may then be possible to find something still unexplored, or something so simple we have not thought of it. Something that would open new doors or paths by giving...

    From poetic pedagogy to a poetics of pedagogy
  12. News 27 June 2023

    The need to green schools: Climate change and gender inequality at the top of the Global Partnership for Education

    Climate change is a human rights crisis that threatens education and global efforts toward gender equality. Education International (EI) welcomes the Global Partnership for Education’s (GPE) strategy to develop education systems that are climate resilient and mindful of the impacts of the environmental crisis on girls’ education.

    The need to green schools: Climate change and gender inequality at the top of the Global Partnership for Education
  13. Research

    Forging the education–climate justice connection

    Richard Calayeg Cornelio
    31 May 2023

    This study seeks to identify the advocacy and capacity- building needs of Education International Asia Pacific (EIAP) affiliates where the advancement of climate justice is concerned and where climate change education and just transition matters are spotlighted. Our objective is two-fold: (1) to assess the baseline knowledge of EIAP members...

    Forging the education–climate justice connection
    1. Download
  14. News 22 December 2022

    Let´s make 2023 a year of renewed solidarity for education around the world

    As 2022 comes to a close, we look back on a year of challenges, but also a year of solidarity and hope as we continue to work together to make sure quality public education is accessible to all in every country around the world.

    Let´s make 2023 a year of renewed solidarity for education around the world
  15. News 21 December 2022

    An exciting year of activism for quality climate education for all

    As the second year of the Teach for the Planet campaign draws to a close, we look back at some of the highlights of 2022, including increasing recognition of education in climate policy, putting climate issues firmly on the agenda for education policy at the international level, and enhancing union...

    An exciting year of activism for quality climate education for all