
Proyectos de cooperación al desarrollo: Sierra Leona

  1. Leadership Training

    Host organizations
    Sierra Leone Teachers’ Union (SLTU)
    Cooperating organizations
    CTF/FCE member organizations
    Sierra Leone
    Start date
    25 abril 2019
    End date
    30 noviembre 2019
    Leadership Training
  2. PDF Follow-Up School Visits

    Host organizations
    Sierra Leone Teachers’ Union (SLTU)
    Cooperating organizations
    CTF/FCE member organizations
    Sierra Leone
    Start date
    25 abril 2019
    End date
    31 marzo 2020
    PDF Follow-Up School Visits
  3. Newsletters publication and distribution

    Host organizations
    Sierra Leone Teachers’ Union (SLTU)
    Cooperating organizations
    CTF/FCE member organizations
    Sierra Leone
    Start date
    25 abril 2019
    End date
    31 mayo 2020
    Newsletters publication and distribution
  4. Brochures / Leaflets Publication and Distribution

    Host organizations
    Sierra Leone Teachers’ Union (SLTU)
    Cooperating organizations
    CTF/FCE member organizations
    Sierra Leone
    Start date
    25 abril 2019
    End date
    31 diciembre 2019
    Brochures / Leaflets Publication and Distribution
  5. Negotiations Training

    Host organizations
    Sierra Leone Teachers’ Union (SLTU)
    Cooperating organizations
    CTF/FCE member organizations
    Sierra Leone
    Start date
    25 abril 2019
    End date
    31 julio 2019
    Negotiations Training
  6. Women's Bursaries

    Host organizations
    - Burkina Faso: Syndicat national des enseignants africains du Burkina (SNEA-B) and Syndicat national des enseignants du secondaire et du supérieur (SNESS) - Ghana: Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) - Haiti: Confédération nationale des éducatrices et éducateurs d’Haïti (CNEH), Fédération nationale des travailleurs en éducation (FENATEC), and Union nationale des normaliens/normaliennes et éducateurs/éducatrices d’Haïti (UNNOEH) - Sierra Leone: Sierra Leone Teachers’ Union (SLTU) - Togo: Fédération des syndicats de l’éducation nationale (FESEN) - Uganda: Uganda National Teachers’ Union (UNATU) - India: All India Primary Teachers Federation (AIPTF)
    Cooperating organizations
    CTF/FCE member organizations
    Burkina Faso; Ghana; Haiti; Sierra Leone; Togo; Uganda; India
    Start date
    1 abril 2019
    End date
    31 marzo 2020
    Women's Bursaries
  7. Project Overseas / Projet Outre-mer

    Host organizations
    - Burkina Faso: Syndicat national des enseignants africains du Burkina (SNEA-B) and Syndicat national des enseignants du secondaire et du supérieur (SNESS) - Dominica: Dominican Association of Teachers (DAT) - Ghana: Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) - Grenada: Grenada Union of Teachers (GUT) - Guyana: Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) - Montserrat: Montserrat Union of Teachers (MUT) - St. Lucia: Saint Lucia Teachers’ Union (SLTU) - St. Vincent: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Teachers’ Union (SVGTU) - Sierra Leone: Sierra Leone Teachers’ Union (SLTU) - Togo : Fédération des syndicats de l’éducation nationale (FESEN) - Uganda : Uganda National Teachers’ Union (UNATU)
    Cooperating organizations
    CTF/FCE member organizations
    Burkina Faso; Dominica; Ghana; Grenada; Guyana; Montserrat; St. Lucia; St. Vincent and the Grenadines; Sierra Leone; Togo; Uganda
    Start date
    1 septiembre 2018
    End date
    31 agosto 2019
    Project Overseas / Projet Outre-mer
  8. Education Unions Take Action to End SRGBV

    Cooperating organizations
    Global Affairs Canada, EI, UNGEI/UNICEF
    Ethiopia, Gambia, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Uganda, South Africa, Zambia
    Start date
    4 noviembre 2016
    End date
    31 diciembre 2019
    Education Unions Take Action to End SRGBV