
Projets de coopération

Organisational Development ZATU Zanzibar 2023-2027

Pays de mise en œuvre


ZATU has revised their Strategic Plan in 2022 for 2023-2027. Different areas have been divided in cooperations with DLF, BUPL and STU (former Lärarförbundet and LR).

The cooperation with STU is focusing on the following areas in the period of 2023-2027:

  • Membership recruitment and retention, communication and visibility, renewal with more women and youth active and in leadership, trained representatives in union issues including OSH, financial manangement, membership database, membership education through study circles.


Main Objective:

  • “ZATU has effectively become Efficient, Democratic, Accountable and Sustainable Teachers’ organization capable to advocate for better Salaries, Working Conditions, Quality of education as well as Adequate Service Provision to her members by 2027”.

Specific Objective 1:

  • “By 2027, ZATU efficiently operates as an effective recognized teachers’ union powerful to attract at least (51%) of potential workforce in public and win at least 100 CBAs with Private schools employers, mandatory to capture 1% agency fee, and to influence powerful majority for social dialogue and collective bargaining.

Specific Objective 2:

  • “By early 2027, ZATU has become a dependable education development partner capable to lobby and influence the government and other employers to act promptly in provision and promotion of working environment, professional development and quality of education for all”.

Specific Objective 3:

  • “ZATU has become self-reliant organization with sustainable economic development.


Recruitment visits for new teachers, women and youth, week-end seminars for new teachers, leadership training on gender mainstreaming, study circles at schools, celebration of WWD, women's committee, development of membership data base, communciation and advocacy, financial training for national and regional level, website.


ZATU has in 2023 increased their recruitment with 1692 new members and the current total membership is 5807 of which 4 132 are women and 1675 are men.

In November 2022 to February 2023, elections were conducted in the different structures. The results shows a higher level of women in leadership even if the top leadership has more men. In the Congress the first female vice president was elected, Sister Khadija Said Kassim.

The data below the shows the female participation in leadership in ZATU:

  • School level: 55%, Branch level: 57%, Zonal level: 48% female, National level: 41%
  • National committees: 5 committees; 53% whereas women chair 3 committees among them.

In 2023 the first steps were taken in the process of implementing a Teachers Service Commision, which is a big step for ZATU in the social dialogue. In 2023 the pensions for all workers were raised by 50%, this is a result of a joint advocacy work for all unions. Both these results shows a stronger ZATU.

2004 – 2027
1 Organisation de mise en œuvre
1 Partenaire de coopération
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