
Projets de coopération

Projets de coopération en cours

  1. Corée du Sud, Malaisie, Uruguay, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, Suisse, Bresil

    Cercles d’apprentissage pilotés par les enseignant·e·s pour l’évaluation formative

    2023 - 2026
    Le projet de « Cercles d’apprentissage pilotés par les enseignant·e·s pour l’évaluation formative » vise à fournir aux enseignant·e·s les outils et le soutien nécessaires pour identifier et mettre en place des pratiques d’évaluation formative efficaces, pilotées par les enseignant·e·s, qui pourront ensuite être diffusées au sein de leur syndicat...
    Cercles d’apprentissage pilotés par les enseignant·e·s pour l’évaluation formative
  2. Inde

    Union-Connect, digitization (India)

    2022 - 2025
    A robust digital membership and communication platform, accessible through both web and mobile applications.
  3. Zambie

    Orientation of the National Executive Committee (NEC)

    The programme will help the new leaders of the union to undertake their functions effectively, and to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes for effective delivery of the union’s services. As the NEC members are coming into their leadership positions for the first time, and it is expected that...
  4. Fidji, Vanuatu, Tonga, Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinee, Iles Salomon

    John Thompson Fellowship training programme (COPE-Pacific)

    2019 - 2022
    The JTF is a four year program with a focus on the sub-regional level proposed for the following reasons including, and not limited to: Similarity of the issues being faced by the unions in the sub-region; Sharing good practices and lessons learnt based on the experience in the sub-region; Fostering...
  5. Antigua-et-Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbade, Anguilla, Belize, Bermudes, Iles Vierges Britanniques, Dominique, Grenade, Guyana, Jamaïque, Montserrat, Saint-Christophe-et-Nevis, Sainte-Lucie, Saint-Vincent et-les-Grenadines, Trinidad-et-Tobago, Haïti, Saint-Martin, Guadeloupe, Suriname

    Gender Equity Programming in the Caribbean Region

    2022 - 2023
    The Capacity Development Component will be aimed at increasing the ability of leaders involved in Gender / Women's Committees of the C.U.T. and its affiliates. Some emphasis will be placed on developing/designing strategies for psychosocial coping for members battling with issues related to Gender. Contributions to National Affiliates / Member...